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2017 In Review: Engagements and Portraits

When I sit down with a potential bride and groom for coffee, I tell them that if I had my preference I would shoot engagement sessions all day. And it’s true! We wait for a beautiful day, truly take our time, and it’s when I get to know the special way my couple interacts. Everybody is different. Some crack jokes, some are very snuggly, and every couple is in love.

2017 has been one of the best years for us yet! I got to spend time with so many couples. Some of them have gotten married already, and a lot are waiting for their big day in just a few months. Here are some of my favorite moments of the year! And read to the bottom for a special look into our portrait sessions and maternity sessions too.

And for Portraits:

ready to work together?

follow @haileylaurenphoto