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Snap and Gather

Yesterday was so refreshing. It’s easy for me to get bummed in the photography “off-season”.

It’s a lot of time spent indoors and I’m itching for our first wedding in April. That’s why I was

so relieved to get the opportunity to go to the third ever Snap and Gather event.


Imagine 16 photographers, sharing food and experiences around the table. What a way to embrace

community over competition. The very talented Susie and Liz put together this amazing tablescape.

Love the flowers? You can thank Adria with State and Arrow.


Did I mention there was food ? Probably my favorite part of the whole experience.


We wrapped up the day with Inkwell and Co teaching us some calligraphy. Mine could

still use a little work, but Taylor made it look effortless.


Here’s to more Snap and Gather events!

ready to work together?

follow @haileylaurenphoto